Friday, November 21, 2008

The countdown has begun

On Monday we will sign the contract and then we will be the official owners of a house.
No really, we will own a house (well, the bank does for a few years, but let's not burst our bubble, all right?), our very own house. A first for both of us...
Hopefully the fleas have been killed thoroughly and we will not be bringing them along with us. I wouldn't mind bringing Freddy, but I haven't seen him in a long time. I wonder what he is up to these days. It's definitely not an ideal time to be outside right now.

Two days ago Jim dropped the kitten off at the rental office in our cage. He put a note with it, kindly asking them to return the cage. Dream on, baby! We are not going to see that cage again!

Tomorrow and Sunday I will actually try to pack stuff. I already have some boxes packed. Four to be exact. 396 more to go...
Oh well, I can't worry about such an insignificant detail right now. When I get home tonight, I will hug my babies and kiss my husband, pet the cat, and thank God for all my blessings. Then I will sit down with a glass of wine and relax.
Tomorrow is another day