Saturday, January 30, 2010

Happy Birthday, baby!

She is 7 years old today.
She is at home with dad and Zander. I called this morning to sing Happy Birthday to her and she told me it was her best birthday ever! She has a white birthday: our little corner of the world is covered in beautiful, white snow. She has been playing in the snow, making snow angels, throwing snow balls to her poopoo, building a "snow girl" with daddy. The snow girl did not live long, though. She got attacked by Fudge, whose only experience with snow has been getting snow balls thrown at him which he then catches and chews to pieces. Naturally he had the same idea when he saw the "giant snow ball". Snow girl will have to be rebuilt at some point today, once Kaitlyn is tired of watching tv or playing on the computer, or daddy tells her to take a break. Whichever comes first.
My baby is having a great time on her birthday and I am not there. I am snowed in with SuSu, surrounded by a pristine blanket of snow that is preventing me from being with my daughter.
Things could be so much worse, though. I could be stuck on the side of the road, or worse, in a ditch, trying to get home to be with her on her birthday.
Or the power could go out and she could not watch tv or play on the computer...

Friday, January 8, 2010

Predictions of snow

Okay, at first I thought people were pushing it with this whole 'snowstorm' deal, closing schools and all. They actually called at 9:59pm on Wednesday evening with the message that school was closed on Thursday. Still, better than 5am, which happened to Renee in Clarksville.
With all the hype about there being 2 to 4 inches of snow, it was a HUGE disappointment to all of us, but especially to Kaitlyn. She woke up on Thursday and raced to the window, only to be hugely disappointed by the lack of that white stuff. What is so fun about a snow day if there is no snow, she wanted to know.
While having breakfast she told me that she predicted that there would be no snow today.
I predict there WILL be snow, I said, not wanting to give in to the gloominess of her prediction.
About half an hour later she came running and exclaimed: momma, I am changing my prediction! It had started to snow...
Thank you, God!