Thursday, March 13, 2014

Vandaag komt ze!

She is coming today!

My mom, who I have not seen since January of 2007, is flying in today. She has not held her granddaughter since then, too, and she has yet to hold her grandson. I get so emotional thinking about the fact that she will finally, after all these years, get to hold her only grandson for the first time.
Oma is coming. How wonderful life is.

Thursday, January 2, 2014

A successful surgery

Dr. Perdue said the surgery went well. He extracted 4 baby teeth that refused to come out on their own.
He also filled a couple of cavities and cleaned Zander's teeth.
He had three teeth where usually people have two!
I knew my little boy had shark teeth...;)

He fell asleep on me when we got home, and slept for 3 hours. He did not want to take his medicine, even though he complained about "auwies". Nope. No sir.
But, he ended up eating 3 bowls of chicken soup broth. "More soup, please", he kept saying.
Now he is asleep in his bed. I pray he will sleep through the night, and be "all done" pain in the morning.

I love that boy so very much.

Sunday, September 29, 2013


I am not sure when it started, but my little boy wants to "sleep" every night, right before he goes to bed.
After he puts on his pj"s, he tells me: "go sleep, please".
We either lay down on the carpet, or sit/lay in the chair in his room. I lay down, and he lays on top of me, either tucking in his arms, or hugging me tight. He makes a conscious effort to fall asleep, and most nights I end up carrying him over to his bed, covering him with his little blanket.
They are the most precious, incredibly sweet moments.
I don't think I have ever been more uncomfortable.
I know I have never been happier than during those very uncomfortable moments.
Okay, baby. Let's sleep.

Monday, July 15, 2013

I am so blessed

It was at 9:15pm a few nights ago that I was finally able to sit down and relax for a few minutes.
Very early that morning I had read a blog post by Simple Mom about making a conscious effort to listen, to be patient with your children that day.
As I reflected on my long, long day, I realized I had done a really good job being patient with my children. Some moments it did take some effort and I am totally spent, but also so fortunate, so blessed.
Ms. S. came by today to pick up the toy storage. We got to spend a wonderful 30 minutes of visiting, of talking about cancer, genetic testing and double mastectomies, and about making plans to see Turbo and go ziplining. Who knew this would happen when I put the toy storage organizer on Craigslist to be sold! God knew, and I thank Him for it. It was a great day, and I thank Him for that too.

Monday, July 8, 2013

Pipad, okay? Okay!

My son has taken to asking himself a question, then answering himself right away.
And even though lately he started saying 'hipad' instead of 'pipad', he is still answering his own questions.
He then proceeds to execute, whether it means getting the ipad, turning on Signing Time, or getting 'chip' from the cabinet. He would also get cheese (string cheese is his absolute favorite treat) himself if only he could open the fridge by himself. Thankfully he is not able to do that yet. Who knows for how long, though? Once he can get into the fridge, I will REALLY need to keep track of that little guy!

Monday, July 2, 2012

Ruth, you will be missed!

Has it been nearly three years already??? We had gotten a call that there was a spot for Zander at Susan Gray School, only a few short months after Zander was cleared by Dr. Goudy to attend Day Care. It worked out perfectly! In August of 2009 we showed up with Zander and all his tube-feeding paraphernalia in tow. His classroom was Busy Bees, with Ms. Katie and Ms. Val as his caring and competent teachers. I remember having to deal with a lot of anxiety when I first dropped KK off at daycare, but this was most definitely 10 times as hard! Not only did I have to leave my baby in someone else's care, he also had all these health issues that we had had to deal with from halfway through my pregnancy until that very day. As far as his health issues were concerned, the end was nowhere in sight. Oh, and he also had a little extra in his chromosomal make-up.
From day one (okay, maybe two or three...) until today I have trusted each person completely, knowing that they would have to answer to you. You are a wonderful director with a huge heart for your students and caregivers, and your staff as well. It has been such a blessing knowing you. I credit my confidence and knowledge for Zander's first IEP to you for opening up Susan Gray School on many a Saturday so Wendy Tucker could teach the workshop. It will be with bittersweet sorrow that we say "Goodbye' to SGS at the end of this month, as we continue on our journey through life. I know it will much the same for you, and I would like to say 'thank you' for giving Susan Gray School your all for so many years.
We love you and we will miss you!

Sylvia (and Zander too!)

Saturday, June 30, 2012

More melon, please!

My little cheese monster loves water melon too, and lots of it!
Typically, coming home from school or after his afternoon nap, he will ask to watch Signing Time and somehow that goes very well with some cheese. I will break a string cheese in half and, after saying "thank you", he toddles off to the living room, flopping down into his little chair right in front of the TV. Two seconds later he is back to ask for more, at which point he gets the other half and off he goes to his chair once more. No worries about him missing anything from the particular Signing Time dvd that is playing; he has seen all of them at least 450,000 times already!
Two more seconds pass and there he is, back for more 'cheese'. "No baby, cheese is all-done but you can have some melon if you want?". "Yeah, melon", and he heads to the fridge trying to pry it open which, thankfully, is a skill he has yet to master. I fill a bowl with 3 or 4 big pieces and hand it to him. Before he heads off to the living room he tries to lick the melon, and I tell him "no Zander, first go sit, then eat the melon". He knows, but it is a ritual we have established lately. Off he goes, and reappears a few minutes later, asking for more. I ask him: "more what?", and he dutifully repeats after me. He hasn't quite gotten it yet, that he is supposed to say "more melon". We complete another little routine where I say: "more melon, please", and he says "yeah". I say: "say: more melon, please", and finally he says it. And he always says "thank you". The other day I had to get something out of the bedroom and had left the melon container on the counter. I remember hearing him ask for more, but it didn't register right away. When I got back to the kitchen he was just about to walk to the living room, having helped himself to more melon. Now, he could have taken the whole container, but he didn't. Instead my little boy had taken only 4 pieces, neatly stacked in his own bowl, the same amount he gets each time from me...Thank you, Zander!