Monday, July 15, 2013

I am so blessed

It was at 9:15pm a few nights ago that I was finally able to sit down and relax for a few minutes.
Very early that morning I had read a blog post by Simple Mom about making a conscious effort to listen, to be patient with your children that day.
As I reflected on my long, long day, I realized I had done a really good job being patient with my children. Some moments it did take some effort and I am totally spent, but also so fortunate, so blessed.
Ms. S. came by today to pick up the toy storage. We got to spend a wonderful 30 minutes of visiting, of talking about cancer, genetic testing and double mastectomies, and about making plans to see Turbo and go ziplining. Who knew this would happen when I put the toy storage organizer on Craigslist to be sold! God knew, and I thank Him for it. It was a great day, and I thank Him for that too.