Saturday, February 7, 2009

Another haircut

I managed to cut Zander's hair today, for the most part anyway. It used to be so easy to cut his hair, but now that he is more mobile, it has become a true challenge.
It only took me an hour(yes, I am being sarcastic), and that's without the two half-hour interruptions, when I saw that bottom lip start to come out, followed by the wails of a baby being tortured...and the huge crocodile tears were not far behind. That child has no problem whatsoever with his tear ducts, or with his lungs for that matter. I think the people that live three streets over heard him!
Jim had to help me finish the job when he got home from work. He kept Zander's attention focused on him, distracting him from what I was doing, and I was done in a few minutes. Then, just as I am finishing up, Zander swings his arm and knocks down the container with hair clippings I had set on the table, sending the hair flying all over the floor I had swept a mere 30 minutes before...
I think next time I will head on over to the hair salon and spend $10. A small price to pay for the time (and sanity) I will save!