Friday, June 22, 2012

Pettycoat Junction

Friday, June 15th
This beautiful house smack in the middle of Normandy, TN, population 141, was my destination on Friday afternoon. My arrival was delayed by about 1/2 hour as I, amongst tens of other drivers, waited by the railroad tracks for the train to clear. I got very excited when it slowly started moving away from the railroad crossing, until I realized that another one was right behind it, blocking the road. Finally the second one cleared as well, and I was free to continue on my journey. As I crossed over the tracks I kept looking for the turn-off to the left, but it was not there. I knew I had driven 9.4 miles since the last turn and if I continued straight I was going too far. I managed to turn the van around and then stopped on the side of the road. I gave in and signed on to my GPS...
Turns out I did not have to wait for the trains to move at all; the turn-off was BEFORE the tracks!
The drive out there was gorgeous, with signs of pick-your-own blueberries, fresh eggs and bulls for sale, and a stray bale of hay in the middle of the road for good measure.
Angie and Jackie were already there and informed me that the wasps were swarming around the pulley, so I lugged my 3,500-pound supplies up the stairs to the back of the house, where the scraproom was located.
Half an hour later I was all set up and ready to start my scrapbook weekend.
Over the next few hours the other girls arrived. Before we knew it 7pm had arrived, and Bonnie called us down for dinner. It was very yummy, and we decided to go for a little stroll around the neighborhood.
LOTS of dogs...and trains going by. Gosh, I never realized how well-used the railway system in the US is until I stayed at Petticoat Junction!
Hard at work and having fun at the same time

The next morning, after suffering through big-time allergy attacks and passing trains (no, they do not blow their whistle softly at night. If anything, it is even louder than during the day!) I went for my very first run.
The sun was just about to rise, birds were chirping, horses in the front yard grazing, Kid Rock's Born Free in my ear, and the woman's voice from Couch to 5K telling me when to start running, and when to slow down to a brisk walk...exhilirating! That is until I got back to the house and had to add a few blocks to finish my routine, and this yappy dog followed my all the way down the street. I wished I had duct tape!

Coming back to the house I made some coffee and had it on the side porch, with the gorgeous hydrangea in full bloom, its colors so very vibrant in the morning sun.

After my first cup (okay, 3) of coffee I headed back upstairs and got to work on my albums once more.
It was a beautiful, productive weekend, and I am blessed for all the new friends I made: Angie, Jackie, Cheryl, Pam, Rhonda, Kristen, and last but definitely not least Lorrie.