Sunday, January 25, 2009

Playing leapfrog in spring

Last night I was reading a book about ladybugs to Kaitlyn. It is a First Discovery book from Scholastic, a neat little book that explains all about ladybugs. It talks about what they look like, what they eat, and then we got to the page that shows one ladybug half on top of another. It says: "In the spring, male and female ladybugs mate so the female can make eggs". I started reading, but did not get further than "In the spring" when Kaitlyn remarked: look mommy, they are playing leapfrog!
I burst out laughing and had a hard time finishing the rest of the book...Kaitlyn started laughing with me, undoubtedly wondering why it is so funny to me that ladybugs play leapfrog in the spring. That did not keep her from laughing, though, and she brought it up several times this morning just to make me laugh again! Ooohhh, to be (almost) six again....

Then, at breakfast, Jim is about to say grace while Kaitlyn is trying to put the lid on her water cup. She is turning it the wrong way, and Jim says to her: "you need to screw it the other way, to the right".
He is about to say the blessing, when KK says laughing: Daddy, you just said "screw". Jim and I looked at eachother and just burst out laughing! Of course Kaitlyn joined in, all the while wondering what on earth was so funny. While we are trying to compose ourselves, KK finally asked why we are laughing. I told her we had to think about the ladybugs playing leapfrog in the spring...
I will have to ask her why she thinks the word 'screw' is so funny, since I am positive she doesn't know the "other" meaning!