Thursday, March 5, 2009

Are you sure it's the same baby?

That was the question from the ENT when he saw Alexander last week.
He said: I did not hear him when I was coming down the hall!
I know what he is talking about. He used to make a lot of noise breathing, kind of like a constant wheezing. We had gotten used to it I guess.

We are ecstatic because for a while now Alexander has been breathing silently. Thank you, God! I don't mind waking up in the middle of the night to go check on him, putting my hand on his chest, listening intently for any sound from him. A sigh, a movement, a yawn puts my mind at ease and I can go back to bed. Sometimes, instead of going back to bed right away, I sit in his rocking chair for a while, rocking lightly and listening to my son breathing softly. Sometimes I don't have to strain to hear him. He is a party animal, my boy, and once in a while, if he slept too much during the day, he will have lengthy and loud conversations with his ducky or bear. These are pretty much one-sided conversations, but incredibly loud nonetheless. I used to be a heavy sleeper until I had children. Now the slightest cry wakes me up instantly and I am by their beds long before Jim even realizes one of his children is having a nightmare. Even if I still were a heavy sleeper, there is no way I would be able to sleep through Zander's "parties". So I lie in bed and listen to him telling a story to his ducky.
Sure, it's annoying.
Then again, I'll take waking up to his stories over hearing him struggle to breathe any day...or night!