Friday, December 26, 2008

Twas the morn after Christmas

't Was the morn after Christmas and all through the house,
not a creature was stirring but the teeth chattering in Hootie's mouth.
The birds keep teasing him and I smile, sipping my coffee,
they know the cat is safely inside; they twitter with glee.

The stockings that were hung by the chimney with care,
are now draped on the couch, discarded and bare.
Presents plentiful, adorned with ribbons and bows, were all unwrapped.
Scores of pictures taken to help remember Christmas 2008, now past.

Christmas dinner with goose, ham, wine and family,
oh and of course apple now a delicious memory.
Aunt Betsy's antlers stayed on KK's head as a permanent adornment today,
that's all right, since after all, at Oma's in Holland it's second Christmas Day!

A well-deserved vacation is awaiting Ama and Poppi with umbrella drinks, sea and sun.
Hopefully "grandkids withdrawal" will not spoil their St. Maarten fun...
I am filled with gratitude, God, for everything You have blessed me with this year:
my family, our new home, and especially our baby home with us is filling me with cheer!

Now, the task of preparing dinner awaits and for the future as well as tonight,
along with joy, peace and blessings I wish I may, I wish I might
wish you all a Merry Christmas and to all a good night!
and a Happy New Year too...