Thursday, April 23, 2009

My boy, almost expelled from school

The "kids" were all lined up, sitting nicely on their chairs. There was a moment of panic, when a baby did not want to sit up straight and kept toppling over. Once she was positioned against the back of the chair, it was fine.
Class was about to start.
Ms. Kaitlyn's Kindergarten class, that is.

The school building is beautiful, naturally with the American flag!

Oh, and NO dogs or cats allowed! Sorry, Fudge and Hootie...

I asked Ms. Kaitlyn if my son could come to school. "Of course", she replied. "And if you want, you can stay with him since it's his first day. Giraffe's mommy is here too." That's all right, I said. He will do fine.
I did come into the classroom briefly to take pictures. I moved Zander's high chair a little closer to the others so they would all fit in the picture.

As I proceeded to take a picture of his other class mates, Ms. Kaitlyn looked over to him and noticed that he had grabbed Cheetah by the ear and was trying to pull her off her chair.
She ran over to him, got Cheetah to safety and then moved his high chair to where he could do no harm to the other kids.
"Don't do that again, or you will have to go home", she said sternly.

My son was neither overly impressed nor subdued by that statement.
I may have to look for another school.